Photos Event #3 2/28/1999
Bryon Nesbitt tries out the Spec Racer Capri for the first time!
Dave McIlvanie runs a 82.090.
Mary Newman runs a 91.919.
DJ Uman runs an 88.028.
Wally Chernoch runs an 89.297.
Luis Perocarpi wins CSP with a 79.721!
Orlando Nogueira runs an 88.758 in BP.
Chris Jones having fun autocrossing!
Jim Grob runs a strong 82.847 for second place in ASP.
Diane Thoman wins ASP with a fine 81.141 run!
Ralph Schroeder trying to catch that elusive NSX!
Richard Morrison still on top of HS with a 83.490 run!
Bruce Hunt with a 83.791 run in BS.
Jim Warren trying out his new G-Force BFG's!
John Cullen with a 91.955 run.
Anne Stebbins puts the SHO through the course in 94.187 seconds.
Jim Swain runs a 94.567 in CSP.
Marty Southard runs a 96.370 in BS.
Brian Kopec runs a 93.702 in ESP.
Rolando Coronado enjoying his Miata!
Alfredo Cortes runs a 95.837 in CS.